Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

441. Top 4 Freedoms Women Desire


On this episode, Nellie outlines the top four freedoms women desire: emotional, physical, time, and financial freedom. 

  1. Emotional freedom involves feeling safe, seen, and joyful. 
  2. Physical freedom encompasses loving one's body and space. 
  3. Time freedom is about managing schedules and work-life balance. 
  4. Financial freedom is about achieving financial stability and building a legacy. 

She emphasizes the importance of addressing emotional freedom first, as it underpins the others. She shares her personal journey of focusing on emotional freedom, which led to improved self-image, reduced anxiety, and better financial outcomes. She advocates for a gradual, sustainable approach to achieving these freedoms.

We will touch on:

  • Emotional Freedom as the Foundation
  • Physical Freedom and Its Components
  • The Order of Achieving Freedom
  • The Connection Between Emotional and Financial Freedom
  • The Role of Time and Money in Achieving Freedom
  • The Importance of Staying Committed to Freedom
  • The Continuous Nature of Personal Growth
  • The Impact of Physical Changes on Emotional Well-being
  • The Compounding Effects of Personal Growth
  • The Responsibility of Sharing Personal Growth


Okay, let's talk about the top four freedoms. In order, we're going to dive into them. As I am finishing up my walk, I am focusing on getting 10,000 steps a day. If you want to join me, just DM me. Let me know. There's no like fee or group or anything. It's just like energetically holding each other accountable. This is something that I decided literally right before the beginning of the month, and I was like, I am determined, and what we focus on expands, and I have been paying attention to my steps so much more, and learning so much about myself, which is very interesting. So the top four freedoms that I think and believe as women, we really desire, first and foremost, is emotional freedom. Second is physical freedom. Then we have time freedom, and last, but certainly not least, is financial freedom. So we're going to dive into this. So emotional freedom is like your joy, your happiness, you feeling safe, you feeling seen, you feeling peaceful, you feeling excited, right? Like you feeling enjoyment. It's like all the feelings that you want to feel and you feel safe in them, and that is key. Physical is not just your body, like loving your body, but it's also like your physical space, like your home, your car, your belongings, like your clothes, right? Like your makeup. It's more of like the physical stuff in your life. And I think that could also be like physical relationships you have with people, like hugging them and loving them, right? Like intimate relationships can also be wrapped up in, in that category, for sure, business relationships, right? Like anything, anything and anyone, physical, right? And then time freedom is what I think is more the popular one that people talk about right. Like they want the time freedom with their kids. They want the time freedom to go work out. They want the time freedom to not have to call off work and be able to travel right, like all of the things. And then, of course, like financial freedom is the big, big, sexy one that everyone wants, right? They want to be able to pay the debt off. They want to be able to save the money. They want to be able to buy the dream car, the dream house, right, put their kids through, you know, traditional school or non traditional school, right? Like, build a legacy. I do believe that these go in order. Like, like, almost. Think about this as like a recipe, emotional freedom, physical freedom, time freedom and financial freedom. It doesn't mean that you can't work on all four at the same exact time. I know women, we are very multi passionate. We are very multi task driven. I think that we can do all four, like, simultaneously, like, not all at the same exact time, but you know what I mean? Like, I don't think you need to be like, okay, month one through three, I'm going to work on, like, the emotional stuff, right? But based on my experience, based on the naked method. If you've heard me talk about the naked method before, I have truly seen the best results with going in that order, emotional, physical, time freedom, financial freedom. We all, like I mentioned, we all want to skip to the financial freedom, right? Like we want to the gold we want to get to those big cash months, right? Like we want to be able to go, take that cash and buy, buy whatever it is that we've always wanted to buy, especially if you haven't come for money like that. Can just feel so exhilarating. And I get it. I truly, truly, truly do, however, what I have experienced, and what have I what I have witnessed is, if we don't feel fully safe emotionally in our bodies, or as safe as we can right, there's no such thing as like reaching the pinnacle of the pinnacle, and then there's never any work to do. But when you can feel safer in your body, you will feel safer in your schedule, you'll feel safer in your money. And so I have found the the more I like work through the emotions and regulate the emotions. I love my body more, I honor my time more, and the more like more money comes in easier. So I really do want you to try out this order, like I want you to think about, you know, where, what do you feel right now from an emotional standpoint, like, if you wake up anxious every single day, and you're anxious all day long. And we get to work through that, like, you know, if you feel sad, if you feel exhausted, right? Like, I really do believe big dreams, big goals take lots of big energy and big emotions. And so when we can really work on that internal stuff, it really can make a world of a difference, and there's no cookie cutter. One size fits all. There is so much at our fingertips, especially in 2024 and beyond, right? Like there are books, there are podcasts, there are YouTube channels, there are courses, there are journaling, like journaling practices, there's hypnosis, there is medication, there is therapist, right? Like, there's so much at our finger tips to really work through the stuff, whether you want to do it you know more on your own or with a group of people, or one person, right? Like, there's so much at our fingertips that you can truly, even if you don't want to speed up the process of your goals, you can truly feel so much better, so much better. I will say this last year definitely, like the last 365 days, has been some of the hardest moments and also some of the most rewarding moments, like I can feel, the rewards I can feel, the safety I can feel, the accomplishment I can feel, the blocks that have been blocking me for decades are fading, and they're fleeting, like in the best way possible. I have never loved my body more than I do. I have never felt safer in my schedule and in my money, right? Like, it's just so cool to like witness and like, that's why I can't shut up about it, because I want other people to feel this way. And so I just wanted to, like, bring to your attention the exact order, because you may already feel really good in your emotions, but then you're like, Okay, it's time to, like, physically feel good in my home and in my car and, like, in my body. And maybe you're like, maybe you get to pay more attention to to that layer. Maybe you're already already there, and you've already accomplished so much with the physical stuff, right? And you're like, Okay, it's really time. Like, my schedule is so wacky that you need to, like, really clean up the time, right? I have noticed time and money are so connected. If you are in a job that you don't love and you're working at 80 hours a week and it's barely paying the bills, it is so freaking hard to even fathom how you're going to create financial freedom when you're so burnt out, right? I've been there, I get it, and so, like, the time and money are so intertwined and connected that when you can actually look at the time and really dissect it and get super picky with where your time goes and make some big moves, it can create big results. And you don't have to, obviously, like, go into your job and quit tomorrow type of thing, but we can set up a plan, like when I transitioned out of the nonprofit organization, which was a big risk and it was a big deal, I didn't do it overnight. It took me about a year and a half to make the full transition, but there was a deadline, right? Some people stay in jobs for decades that aren't, you know, fulfilling, that aren't aligned, that aren't, you know, helping them create their wealthiest life. And there's other options, and if we're not exploring those options, we are out of alignment, right? And we get to be honest with ourselves. And maybe, maybe the reason why is we gotta go back to the emotions layer, right? Like, maybe we need to get so free with our emotions that then we see our worth more, right, and we need to create the physical energy to be able to create the motivation to leave the job, then you free up your time, then you build a six figure business online, and then before you know it, you're you're you're buying things in cash, like what you've always desired. So everyone wants to get to the financial freedom, but I really do believe how we truly get there and stay there. That's the key word, stay there. Some people hop right to the financial freedom. They get some really great results, but then we didn't have, like, the foundational pieces in place, not always, but I have seen it, and it like crumbles, and so we want to stay there. Like. So once we're there, we never want to go back. We only want to keep, you know, growing and going. So you may feel like you're going slower with this methodology, but I've talked about this on other trainings. I would much rather be a slow cooker that stays around for decades and decades and decades. That isn't like a one hit wonder type of thing. That's just what I have chosen, and it feels so much more sustainable, and it feels so good, and I'm not like stressed F out, and I can actually enjoy my life, and that, that has been a huge aha piece for me. So if you have any questions about these layers of like, how do you dig in which ones? Like, how do you know which one you're at? Just let me know, because everyone's going to be different. But in the last year, I had to go back to the emotions, like, even being this far into my journey. I don't know if you know this, but your body reproduces and, like, all new cells every seven years. I believe it is, which means, like, you're a whole different human every seven years. So you may have to go back, right? Like I had to really, like, humble myself and really, like, go back and and work on myself more than I have in years, and I can see it in photos. I can see it in videos. I can see such a difference, and I can feel such a difference. And people have said that they can see and feel such a difference. And like, that's just so beautiful to me too, is because, like, hopefully that inspires them to be like, Wow, okay. Like, maybe I get to look at myself and be a little, you know, be a little bit more honest. And like, for me, I've just let go of the judgment of other people, because I'm like, I just want to feel good, and so if, if I gotta be a little messy or look a little silly or be a little cringy for a little bit, and I come out the other side feeling amazing. Is that so bad? Right? Like, is that so bad? I've had lots of cringy moments, especially growing out my hair and, like, going through like, hormonal acne and like, I felt super embarrassed. And my husband, like, said one day, he was like, you gotta let go of that label, like you're you're selling yourself short, like you're not cringy, like this is not an awkward phase for you, like I was giving it that label, and therefore it was like, preventing me from, like, truly, fully showing up and like that, just that little like, Loving You gotta let that go. Really helped me, like it really helped me on, like, the financial, or excuse me, the emotional freedom standpoint, which obviously then led to more financial freedom, right? Like, there's always more depth to go with all four of these layers. Like, I've been shedding so much of our physical stuff over the last year, and just when I think I'm like, done, there's more to get rid of, because I'm like, Oh, we don't need this. We don't need this. We don't need this. I'm still hoping that my husband one day says, like, let's just pack up and and go to the beach and never come back. Oh, I'll be prepared for that moment if it happens, but, but the less stuff like, the less stuff we have, the happier I am, the less that's on my calendar, the more peaceful that I am and that I I noticed I never felt peaceful having a, you know, nothing on my calendar. I shouldn't say nothing. Like, I still have stuff on my calendar, but like, if you looked at my count my Google Calendar, like this time last year versus now, you'd be like, holy moly, wow. And so I had to go through the emotional freedom to feel safe, to not have so much on my calendar. It was definitely like a protection mechanism to stay busy. And that is a very popular thing with women, is we're going to just stay busy, to suppress our emotions, suppress how we really feel, like we don't need to worry about that right now. Let's just keep taking care of kids. I've even noticed I've been up leveling, like, my physical appearance with like, some new clothes, and I dyed my hair. And it makes a difference, like, I got this acne treatment that's really helping my hormonal acne. It makes a difference. I have had supplements that I've been taking. I have ADHD meds, right? Like all of these physically help us, and they're absolutely connected to emotional freedom and time freedom and financial freedom, right, like all four of these layers. Are absolutely connected, because you're a part of all of them. You are them, and this is why I know that they're so important. And I really believe strongly that that like order can create such a transformation for people, because they're they're truly like the building blocks to everything that you desire. And it doesn't have to take that long. Like, I've been on, you know, this journey for about a year, but I've had results all throughout the year, and it just kept compounding, and it continues to compound. And like, that's the biggest thing is, like, there is no expiration date, and that is important. Like, you can't say, like, well, if this doesn't work, then I'm gonna, like, quit. Like, the there's no quitting you, right? Like, no matter what you do, no matter where you go, you're stuck with you, so you might as well enjoy your company. You might as well feel physically amazing, as amazing as you possibly can have the time, freedom that you want to have, have the money that you want to have, right? Like there is no quitting you. It is like you're you get to, like, be all in with you. And this is why I believe like you are the best investment that you can make on all levels, emotionally, physically, time and money, right? Like you are the best investment, because no matter where you go in life, you'll be there, right, like you'll be with you and so you taking care of you is a insurance policy. It is a way that you can live longer, hopefully, right? You can have the money that you want. Be able to pass that money down. You know, not, not leave your kids a bunch of stuff, but leave them memories and leave them happy like they they like knew how happy you were. And leave them, you know, money, right, leave them a legacy that they can continue on like it's a big deal, it's a big deal, and time goes so stinking fast, so there's no time like the present to invest in you and create this freedom. And you can literally start right now. It starts with a decision, and I really think bad decision can literally change your life the minute that you make it so if you have any questions, let me know. I think I'm I hope I'm at my my step count. Let's check together. Let's see where I'm at. If I'm okay, i By the time I get back to the house, I will be there, like I'll be at my step count, which is huge. So, but yeah, if you have any questions on any of this, let me know. I'll continue to be literally a walking transformation of everything that I talk about, because I believe it, because I do it, and I'm a student myself. I'm not perfect, but I believe in all of this so much, and I know that it has changed my life, and it feels like a huge responsibility to talk about it. For anyone that is out there that is looking for that type of information, if it can change their life, it's worth talking about. So I love you. Let me know what questions that you have.