Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

406. Wealth Doodle - Why You Don't Have It


It’s WEALTH DOODLE time!!!!!!! 

When something you want feels challenging this could be a huge barrier and reason why.

We will touch on:

  • Breaking through barriers to achieve big goals.
  • Breaking through mental barriers to achieve goals.
  • Using self-reflection and goal-setting to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

I’m doodling every day to celebrate our mission of enrolling 100+ amazing women in our all access program.

If you love this doodle just imagine an entire library of money making trainings ready for you to binge watch and speed up your wealthy journey.

This doodle is sponsored by Kristen Rourke! She is on a mission to help busy mamas break down the barrier of creating and sustaining a healthy lifestyle. She’s got an amazing and super affordable membership for you that is virtual. Connect with Kristen to start feeling way more energized!


This is going to help you, either right now or in the future. So when you're going for a really big goal, this builds off the the diamond that I drew in another wealth doodle. So make sure that you watch that wealth doodle, but we're going to zoom in and go even deeper into one piece of what I talked about, because it's that big of a block for so many of us. And I, I have seen this even show up for me so many times. So I am I'm doodling this for me too, because it is so powerful once you see it, and you can use this as a tool to work through something now or in the future. So I'm so excited for you. And that may sound odd when it's like, Ah, I'm feeling so frustrated. But you know, knowledge is power, and when we can equip ourselves with better tools and resources and support, we can really do anything. We really, really can. And so you know, a lot of times we just don't know better, and we, you know, we just keep running around in circles and we're skinning so frustrated. So that's why these doodles are really important to me, because I have been so blessed over all the years to to learn so much. And, you know, I, I know I've only given a fraction of my knowledge, so I'm really honored to be able to support you in little, little, small doodles. So this doodle is sponsored by Kristen roar with busy mom bods. Thank you, Kristen, for sponsoring today's doodle. And if you don't know who Kristen is, she is a powerhouse mama that's on a mission to break down barriers for busy moms and creating and sustaining a healthy lifestyle, not only for them, but their family too. She's got quick strategies, lots of community, lots of support, lots of resources, ready and waiting for you and in a very affordable membership. So make sure you trust check out Kristen. She is a very long term client of mine. I've seen her grow and thrive. She is probably one of the most disciplined people when it comes to health and fitness. She prioritizes it so much, and she just has a heart of gold and is truly a friend. So give her some love and check her out. And I think you'll really, really enjoy following her, because she's just, she's a fun person. So say hi to her, tell her that I sent you, and let's get to this. So I want you to put something specific here. What do you want? Now? You could be like, Oh my gosh, Natalie, there's so many things, right? So again, this builds off the the diamond that I drew the other day. So we're gonna go for something big. Okay, maybe you really desire to leave your job. That's like, intuitively, what's coming to me, Okay, leave your day job and you want to come become like a full time entrepreneur. That's a big life changing thing. So, of course, logically, right? You want it. Your heart wants it. You know, you can see it. You can feel it. You may have already started your business and, like, gained traction, but we keep delaying the when we're gonna leave, we keep talking ourselves out of it, right? So we hit that big, thick barrier. It's probably even thicker than this, right? It's like a vault. And you just you're you keep getting in your own head. You're getting frustrated. You know, you know. You know that you're capable of it. You know that your heart wants it. But again, a lot, like in the the diamond training, the brakes are on, the brakes are on because your brain keeps breaking right, keeps stalling. Maybe there's surprise bills that happen, and then you're like, there's no way I can leave right? It's the sense of security you get that paycheck. Logically, all of that makes sense. Of course, your brain wants to protect you, of course, of course, of course. So a really interesting thing that we can do is we can go deeper into why we don't have it. And so the the cool part about this is we're not going to go for, like, the surface level stuff, right? We're going to go deep, because there's always a why, under the Y, under the Y, under the Y, under the Y. So you may start surface level, but our goal is that we go deep and no one ever has to see when you do this exercise, you can literally rip it up, shred it, burn it, do whatever you have to do. But this will help you gain so much clarity so you spend less time hitting this wall, and you can just break through the wall, so there'll still be time and effort involved, but when we can really go deep and get that clarity, it can really, really help. Because right now, this is the no matter what you have right here. It could be to make 100k in your business, okay, it could be to lose 100 pounds any big. Goal that is not already progressing, and you see it happening, and it's just a matter of time. Then we we really want to do this exercise. Maybe it's paying off debt, and you like the debt just keeps growing, type of thing. So anything that is not already on its way to you, and you can literally visually see it happening. Okay, so this is the perfect exercise to go deep with, because you are operating in a certain energy, with a certain set of beliefs, a certain type of like a mindset, certain habits, right, the current you, no matter what you pick, is operating in a certain way of being. And so yes, your your brain will keep putting the brakes on the the wall will keep getting thicker and thicker and thicker. And then you'll get to the point, if you're not already there yet, where you're like, am I ever going to lose the weight? Like, I just keep yo yoing. I go back and forth, back and forth, like I'm making the effort. Will I ever leave my job? Will I ever make the six figures? Will I ever pay off all the debt? Right? Like, whatever it is for you. And so instead of us asking that question, like, Am I ever we're still operating in our current state. So what I want you to start doing, even before that question happens, is I want you to ask yourself, Who do I need to become in order to have it right, who do I need to become? Because right now, your brain may not believe that you'll be able to self sustain you and your business right maybe right now, your brain doesn't believe that you're going to be able to have the time because you're not making the time to work out consistently. Or maybe right now, your brain's like you keep going out to eat. So how are we ever going to lose the weight? So all of our actions, all of our energy, all of our way of being, is reinforcing the breaks or it's breaking down the break wall. So for us, who do we need to become in order for the breaks to stop and for us to break through is a way better use of our time, because you are worthy of anything that you already desire. It wouldn't be on your heart if we didn't want it, right? You wouldn't be taking at least some actions if you didn't want it. And so the biggest thing is, change the beliefs, change the way of being, and you'll have it. You'll have it, even if it takes you still a year to lose the weight. No, no. Like, no one. Like, of course, it's going to take a while to lose the weight. Like, that's the healthy way. You know, if you have some debt, it's going to take some time to pay off the debt. It's going to take some time to leave the job. So this isn't going to put you into a fight or flight mode, where we have it tomorrow, but us as humans, we want to see and feel legitimate progress. We want to see, I call it the stair step method. Okay, so we want whatever you want is up here, and maybe you're down here, even if it takes us six months, but we make two steps right? We're like, oh my gosh, I'm almost there. So as humans and our brain specifically, we crave forward momentum, even if we take one step back, we like and we're like, Okay, let me get two more steps in, right? We crave forward momentum. So every time our current way of being takes us more and more into the opposite direction, it's building evidence that, of course, why am I ever going to have it? No? The brain says no, and so it the longer we stay in that way of being, it makes it harder and harder and harder, because the habits become so freaking strong, so strong and so in the beginning these, these first few steps, no matter how many steps there are, these first few steps are the hardest, but I promise you, once we can get through the first few steps, it will become easier, and you will continue to see forward momentum, and it feels incredible. And then you can start to see and calculate, oh my gosh, I'm losing two pounds a week doing exactly what I'm doing. I'm going to get to my goal weight by Christmas, or I'm saving X amount of money so I can have a nest egg. And I'm going to be able to have the nest egg that I want. I'm going to be able to leave my day job by Christmas. Oh my gosh. I enroll one new client a month. I'm going to be at six figure. Figures, like, when you break it down monthly, I'm going to be at six figures by XYZ date, right? I'm paying off debt daily. I'm going to be able to pay off all of my debt by XYZ date. So we focus so much on the end result, and then when we don't have it, we keep saying, I'm never going to have it. Why don't I have it right? I suck, I shame, like we go through the shame spiral, and then that's when the wall just gets thicker and thicker and thicker and thicker. So just like Tony Robbins says, ask better questions, you get better answers and therefore better results. So what I want you to train your brain to do is then starting to ask, I think it's that important that I'm going to literally write it down for you and for me. Okay, so anytime you feel that resistance, you feel that stuckness. One, we are never stuck. It's being stuck is a choice. Okay, so who do I get to become to reach this goal? And so this is a way better question to ask yourself that you can start to brainstorm, right? Okay, I gotta join the gym. I've gotta hire a personal trainer, I need to meal prep, I need to do a weigh in, I need to take progress photos. All of these things take effort, but staying stuck also takes a lot more effort. Not getting the life that you desire takes a lot of effort. Staying in a job that you don't love takes effort. Everything takes effort, and so we just get to redirect that effort to this question, and then one by one by one, focus on who you who you get to become, and who you get to become, is habits. It's beliefs, it's support, it's your words, right? It's so many things, and so when you can start to say, like, I believe I will lose the weight, right? You you start taking the photos. That's a habit. You start eating, you know, protein. You start drinking the water. You you ask for a personal trainer, or even, like, signing up for an online program like Kristen's, right? Those first few steps will be the hardest, but once you get once you go past those first two steps, you will feel the feelings. You will feel the feelings of who you need to become, even if you're not at the goal yet. You will feel like that person. You will feel like that person, and you'll want to continue to become that person that actually gets the result. So it doesn't mean like you may not have the result yet, but you'll feel like the person. And when we can feel like the person that is going to leave her job, that's going to lose the 100 pounds that's going to, you know, pay off X amount of debt, you don't want to stop everything in this world is built on feelings, especially for women, we are emotional beings. That's why people love to go get french fries because of the feeling it creates. That's why we love to, you know, spend time with like minded people because of the feeling it creates, or listening to a song. So everything is built on feelings, and therefore you can absolutely start to feel like you're at the end of the goal, even when you're only on staircase number stair step number two, right? So you creating those feelings and keep reinforcing it will literally, it's so powerful, and you can keep doing this over and over and over again that there is never, ever a brick wall in your way. It just becomes a matter of time and commitment that you'll get to any and all goals. And when you know this and you apply this, you are truly unstoppable, like you can accomplish pretty much anything you really can, and this will start to become so second nature for you that, like, a lot of times, anytime I do feel stuck, I do these tools, I do these, like, these resources, and I don't even, like, I don't even know that I'm doing it like, it's so ingrained in me now that I'm like, Okay, I'm feeling a little resistant. Let me work through that like, Who do I get to become? Where am I making this harder than it needs to be? Why do I believe that I shouldn't have it right? A lot of times I notice with women, especially around money, we believe that we're going to sacrifice. Family time, we're going to have to sacrifice our self care. And so if we're going on the staircase with that energy, then we will self self sabotage. Because most women, I would say, all women, don't want to self they don't want to sacrifice their self care. They don't want to sacrifice their family time. And so when you can be in a different state of energy, is a different way of being right, and feel different, and you can be like, Oh my gosh, I'm having so much family time, I'm working out, I'm taking care of myself, it will truly speed up you getting to any money goal, because now you don't believe you have to be that person, and you're making your you're paving your own path. There are literally an infinite amount of ways to so many goals. That's why I love the saying, you know, never change the goal, just be flexible with the plan, because there's so many ways to the same exact goal, and so you doing it your way, and a way that's going to work for you is huge, like doodles are me. Like doodles are so me creating a slide PowerPoint, not me, not me. I've tried it. I've tried it so many times. So I hope that you love this. I hope this adds value to your life. I really want you to ask this question this week and pick a goal. Who do I get to become to reach this goal and make sure that we're tapping into those feelings this week, you will feel a significant difference this week, when you tap into those feelings, become her now, because you already are her, do this your way. Do this your way. That's the whole goal of having our own business. Make choices that align with you and your future you, because that's the whole freaking point. So I hope this add value to your life. I love you. My foot is asleep like always. I will see you back tomorrow. Share these with you know someone that you love, and again, if you have any requests for a doodle, let me know. But I'll just keep using my intuition.