Money Making Mama Podcast

296. So Many Tasks Are Costing You So Much Money!

May 26, 2023 Nellie
Money Making Mama Podcast
296. So Many Tasks Are Costing You So Much Money!
Show Notes Transcript

On today's show, we will be talking about alllll the tasks you're doing that are costing you money, that may not be helping the bottom line. 
What we're chatting about:

  • The trap of “we’ve always done it this way” is a recipe for your bottom line
  • Creating the challenge of every task to make the business more money
  • The value of a time audit
  • Notice patterns and find efficiencies

Today's episode is sponsored by Sarah Khan, Chief Ease Officer and the "How" Whisperer

To women in the messy middle, our SOLE System helps cut through the crap and get you focused on your real expertise because it’s easier to show up as your whole ass self and build a kickass biz when you’re not stuck in your head. For the month of May we'll be offering exclusive Efficiency Audits for a business back end that won't quit! DM Sarah on FB or Instagram for more details or follow her so you get the links once the offer is live!

Connect with Sarah!

We hope you've enjoyed this episode, because you totally deserve it. We are hear cheering you on and hope to have you back tomorrow for another fresh and juicy episode! Don't forget to subscribe, follow and leave a five-star review wherever you are listening. Make it a great day!!


One day, I want to remember this moment sitting on my floor in my closet with a laundry basket flipped upside down. According to podcast, you know, you've made it big in life with that as your reality. I like clothes, I guess. But this is the only quiet place right now and where I'm hiding out from my hope. hoping and praying that I can do a podcast in peace because this is a really important message. And I want you to hear it. So, so loud and clear. So you are doing and if you have a team your team is doing, you and your team are doing tasks that are costing you so much money and are not impacting the bottom line. And this is so important to talk about because this is just not set enough. And I want you to hear it today. So before we get into the today's podcasts, and all the juiciness of the podcast, I want to shout out my dear dear friend Sarah, she is so perfect to sponsor this podcast episode. I feel like this has happened so beautifully. Of like who's sponsoring it, it's like a related to their business. It's so cool. But she's like a No BS coach. And I love that. So sour shout out to Sarah. So here's a little blurb about Sarah con. If you know her, you love her like, period end up subject, no bullshit. She's amazing. And such a perfect person to sponsor this show. Like I said to the women in the messy middle, our soul system helps cut through the crap and get you focused on your real expertise. Because it's easier to show up as your whole ass self, and build a kick ass business when you're not stuck in your head. Amen to that. For the month of May we're offering exclusive efficiency audits, like what for a business for our business back in that won't quit DM Sarah on Facebook, I'll make sure all of her stuff is linked. And, and or Instagram for more details and follow her so you can get all the links once the offer is live. So I'll make sure that her links are linked. But I legitimately did not even read that blurb. How perfect is that like there are no freaking accidents. So I don't want to waste your time. So I'm going to make this a super laser, to the point podcasts to get your wheels turning upwards of 60% of what you are doing in your business is not impacting the bottom line is actually hurting your bottom line, meaning it's costing you time and money and not giving you an ROI return on investment. Right. So let's break this down. Let's get this really simple and to the point. So let's say for example, you are falling falling into the trap of we've always done it this way. So we're gonna continue doing it this way. Right? That is a recipe for like a death sentence for your bottom line. Okay, so the best thing that you can do, obviously, like reach out to Sarah, of course. And equally, something that you can literally do today, tomorrow and for the next week, is do a time audit for you and your team. Okay? It's a little annoying, I'm not gonna lie, it is a little annoying, because you're writing down every freaking thing that you're doing. Okay, we're gonna take it one step further. And as you're writing it down, you're gonna say, does this impact the bottom line? Can I get more efficient at this right? Do we delete this altogether? Do we delay this right? We are trying to stay busy to stay busy. But why we started being an entrepreneur. So we could have time freedom, right? And get we are self sabotaging and adding our calendar full, right? Adding our to do lists full and we're so freaking overwhelmed, right? And we're not making the money that we want. So not only do we not have the time, we don't have the money, and we're, we're annoyed, we're frustrated, we're overwhelmed. We're all the things and this is why too often so many business owners quit, quit because they are so burnt out. Okay. So I want you to challenge yourself and I want you to challenge your team. One of the best things that you can do, if you work for somebody else, even if you're a coach or consultant is look for the money legitimately. This past week, I had a client on Tuesday, and pretty much our whole call. I was looking for the money in her business. This is how you become so valuable to other people, okay, is look for the money for them. So without doing much different, I was brainstorming with her, Oh my gosh, you're sending this person referrals constantly. Why are we not setting up an official referral program? And you're getting 10%? And she's like, I don't know, I feel weird. I'm like, don't feel weird about it. Right? It's right now a lose win situation. She's winning, and you're losing, let's create a win win. Because guess what, if she didn't have the business, she wouldn't be making money. So it's not the worst thing in the world to say, Hey, I love sending you business, why don't we go ahead and sign up or set up an official agreement with each other? I want you to look for the money. Show me your time for a week, and I will show you where there are more money, the money making opportunities, because you are not making the time for them. Right? And if you are, let's make more time for them. Can you imagine if your week turned into a money making schedule, right? What would that look like versus what you're doing right now? Would you be on more sales calls? Would you be sending more proposals? Would you be in the DMS more you can do this in a way that feels so fucking good to you. But we are so reactive, okay, I'm definitely generalizing on this podcast, because I'm not talking to one person. So if this isn't officially landing with you, like, take what you need, okay? But I just hear from so many business owners, and it's all the same shit. Okay, we were doing it to ourselves, okay. And so this time audit that we've been doing, as a company is just blowing my freaking mind. I'm challenging every task, including tasks that I'm doing, because guess what, when I open up my whole team, to make the business more money, every one wins, everyone wins, right? Because when the business grows, I can reward more, right? And so we get to look at this as an opportunity. And really step into it, it's a different way of being, it's a different way to think. But man, does it create time freedom, and financial freedom? And isn't that why you signed up as an entrepreneur? Right? So do a timeout it for a whole week, write down everything that you do every meeting that you go to? How long does it last, every task that you work on? How long does it last? Does it impact the bottom line, it is mind blowing, when you actually just track everything for a short amount of time, you really are able to see where the gaps are, where the opportunities are, where there are literally just so many things that we're doing that don't impact the bottom line. And we can start to shift into a different way of being okay, it's huge, it's so exciting. And then when we create the time, we can then create the money, right? So no more complaining that we don't have the time, because we're going to make the time, okay, we're gonna make the time for the money making opportunities, and you are going to make small shifts, okay? This is what you get when you work with me. So if you have been like, oh, my gosh, I am I need this, I need more support. I literally love like the Tuesday call that I had with my client, she was like, this is insane, like these small shifts could add six figures to her business by just literally not really doing much more, right is that so exciting. And so sometimes we need another third party coming in, that isn't emotionally attached to our business to like, kind of give us a little bit of a wake up call, and be able to work through this with us talk through it, brainstorm, and be able to move forward. But the first thing that I need you to do is that time audit, then I want you to come to me after a week of doing your time on it. share all of your time, all of your insights, literally like DM me, if you're a client of mine, you know how to get a hold of me. But if you're not a client, this is a great way of how we can start to work together. Okay, I want to see your time. And I want to analyze it. I want to know your goals. So we can then move forward and actually figure out how you make this happen. If we don't change our patterns, the outcome is not going to change. So if you want a different outcome, we've got to change the patterns, AKA your habits, how you're spending your time if we don't do that, it's not going to change. Think about it this way. If you wanted, let's just it's easy to talk about health and fitness. If you wanted six pack abs but you were eating McDonald's or lunch, lunch and dinner, right? And you were not going to the gym, right and you were getting, let's say, the most sugary Starbucks drink you could possibly could get every single day, you're not going to have six pack abs, it would be a pipe dream. So if we do not change the day to day, we will not have six pack abs, right? So, focus on the day to day you have so much control over this. This is where your money is, in your day to day activities. Once you master it, right, we can then get your team on board. If you don't have a team yet, then that's okay, too. Once you bring in team, you'll be so much more of a stronger foundation that we can just keep building off of this, it's never too late. Today is a perfect day to do better, and to work on our time, and be able to really look for the money making opportunities. Even right now, when there is so much uncertainty, people are still spending money. I hope Taylor Swift is the best example of that. I'm literally going to a Taylor Swift concert. And she sold out a stadium three nights in a row. And these tickets are not cheap, right? People are still spending money. They're ordering Amazon, they're ordering DoorDash they're going to Taylor Swift, right? You can and you will still make money in this recession. If you say so. Okay, let's get lean. Let's get mean, let's literally get pumped up and move forward together. And this is when like getting a coach, a mentor, a teacher, getting community around you is like even more important in hard times. Because in those hard times, or when true leaders are, are literally born, this will make us stronger. And everyone that is a leader will come out on top, this is the perfect time to get ready for a big explosion because it's gonna happen. Do not walk out, do not walk out, do not give up on your dream. You will be so upset with yourself. This is all figured out double. If you say so. So if you say so, if you say so, whether you think you can or you can't You're right every damn time. So decide which path that you're going on. Do not look back, do your time on it, send it to me, I would love a whole week with all of your insights. And then we can move forward and look for your money making opportunities. I'm so excited for you you deserve all the money all this access all the time freedom all the joy it can and will be yours because you said so because you said so because you said so. Literally. I want you to say that to yourself a million bazillion times. Because I said so. Because I said so. Because I will. I can and I will. I can and I will. I can and I will over and over and over. I literally talk to myself. Probably too much. I am rewiring my brain all the hours of the day. All the hours of the day because we all need it. expecially right now, okay. So get to work on your time on it. I love you you're facing