Money Making Mama Podcast

288. Get More Energy FAST!

May 16, 2023 Nellie
Money Making Mama Podcast
288. Get More Energy FAST!
Show Notes Transcript

On the show today, we are talking all things to get more energy, FAST!

We will touch on:

  • Some rapid fire quick tips to get more energy
  • The most important thing you can do to for yourself and your energy
  • What you should focus on nutrition wise to improve your energy levels
  • How to tap into your intuition and truly feel what you need to recharge

There's so much you can do to improve your energy levels - it's all about getting into a good practice, being disciplined and intentional and you can become a completely different human!

Today's episode is sponsored by Ashley Korff!

It’s time to get in the most badass shape of your life! Kick fat, bullshit, & shitty fitness habits to the curb with The Diet Killer Plan- the murder mystery approach to lasting weight loss success!

If you want to learn more about the Diet Killer Plan, check it out here!

We hope you've enjoyed this episode, because you totally deserve it. We are hear cheering you on and hope to have you back tomorrow for another fresh and juicy episode! Don't forget to subscribe, follow and leave a five-star review wherever you are listening. Make it a great day!!


Let's be real with each other. Yes? Would we love to lose some weight? More likely than not? Would we like to tone her ass? Yes. Would we like to tone other areas of our body probably. But more than anything, I'm at least going to speak for myself. I want the energy to live again, to run a household or run a huge business, live the life of your dreams, grow it, right, like grow your life, grow your business, grow anything, right, takes a whole lot of energy. So today, I'm gonna give you just like some rapid fire tips and tricks that work for me. And I'm really excited about it. today's podcast sponsor is my friend Ashley, and she has a really interesting health and fitness program that I think you're going to want to check out. So I just want to read a quick blurb about her. She has amazing free content on her social, so I'll be sure if you're watching a video to tag her and then also put her link and her social in the show notes of the podcast. It's time to get in the most badass shape of your life. Yes, please kick that bullshit and shitty fitness habits to the curb with the diet killer plan, the murder mystery approach to lasting Weight Loss Success. I love that. So I'll make sure I link her social media, you're gonna want to follow her when also her link to sign up for her program. Like I just love that, like she brings like a gamified approach to weight loss. It's just super fun. And the most important thing I want you to hear in today's episode is it's not typically promoted and encouraged to lose weight fast, because that means we're probably doing things that are not going to keep the weight off. However, literally today, as you're listening to this podcast episode, you can increase your energy very, very quickly, by the end of this podcast episode, like I want to challenge you, whatever your energy level is at, let's go 10% More, and then we'll go 10% more just like your business, right? Maybe you're at $10,000 months, and we want to go to 50,000 $100,000 month, how we get there is literally like$1,000 at a time for example, right. And so the same is with your energy, because we're gonna need a lot of energy to scale your business, which is your ATM for your whole entire life. Remember that we type the magic code in and magical dollars come out. That's what we want. We need energy you cannot outgrow your business as the CEO. So the more we actually invest in you like you personally, with your health and fitness with your energy, with your well being with your confidence with your literally anything to do with you. It could be personal image, anything, anything to do with you, buy the cute shirt, invest in the health coach, invest in good food and invest in anything that's going to make you feel amazing. Truly, like, let's find the money if you don't have it today, let's find the money aka your business, right. And when we can start to emotionally connect our business to our quality of life. The whole narrative changes, right like the whole narrative changes. And so I'm just so excited for you to like start getting clicking that into place if it's not already in place. So I want to share some tips with you. They're gonna sound some of them are basic, but I've got a little bit of a spin on them. But it's easy to know them and not do them. Right. So I want you to think of getting more energy fast like dopamine. And if you have ADHD you crave dopamine, it literally helps you breathe it's kind of like oxygen. And so energy to me is dopamine because if you get that like 2pm like sludge you probably aren't motivated to go do a sales Power Hour right? I remember years ago I would like sit by the bath for Emma and I just remember my energy literally being like a negative because I was working myself so hard in my business not making time for myself that like yeah, I'm not gonna lie to you like I still work in my business. But like yesterday I went shopping all day to and I took an like an hour walk today. I went and stopped in Salah friend brought my husband coffee, like I have such a quality of life now that I truly could have had years ago, but there was a lot of like trauma that I needed to heal and equally like starting to put myself first. It is not selfish to put yourself first it is not always easy to put yourself first, but I just want you to do it. I want you to get a taste stuff what it feels like that then you're going to be like, Why did I not do this sooner. So in order to get more energy fast, here are some rapid fire quick things that you can do. First and foremost, sleep, do not move on to anything else until you are sleeping to the point where you feel so rested. This is coming from somebody that has a five month old. So my health and fitness goals look very, very different right now, because of that reason. I am not pushing myself harder because I'm like, I just need as much sleep as possible right now I am so like I call it sleep debt. I have so much sleep debt it is it is not good. I am trying to clear all the debt. And I feel like I'm we're getting out on the other side, which feels very, very exciting. And I know that the more sleep I have one I'm just more of a present. happier human being like nothing is worse than being like hungry and tired, right? It's like hangry Yes, but like next level hangry is like when you're so tired, like you're like I remember doing a research paper in school on sleep, like being sleep deprived is actually worse than drinking and driving. Like, that's how important sleep is. If you are like a pilot there is like literally law requirements to get a certain amount of sleep before you have a flight or they can get in like a lot of trouble. That's how important sleep is right? We don't want a pilot to fly us across the country sleep deprived, right so don't fly your business without having the proper sleep. So before like if you don't feel like you're getting good sleep. I would love for you to download a sleep app I would love for you to sleep and a little bit later go to bed earlier. get like a really good night's like a good sleep night routine night routine. I don't know why I added I needed to add sleep in there a good night routine more than anything else. So we can like start off your sleep on a good note. Investing in a really nice pillow. So I actually have a lot of neck pain. And there's this really cool pillow. It's actually a part of our giveaway this month. That is built like it's designed for your neck and it's like foam and it is delightful. It's the most important thing so like invest in good sheets and invested in a good pillow. Invest in some essential oils that are like lavender. I love doing a night meditation. Oh my gosh and that like I did one last night I sleep so fucking good. When I like put on a night meditation very quietly. It has it's like it's like brainwashing my brain I woke up in the best mood. There are no accidents go to YouTube type in night meditation for anything positivity, more money, more happiness more anything. You can even do night meditations like night hypnosis for like losing weight. There's probably one on energy just Google or not Google it YouTube it can from there, sunshine, vitamin D. Now I know depending on where you live, that's not always easy. But like it's starting to get nice here in Ohio. everyone's mood is different. Obviously there's supplements that have vitamin D, if you can like Book a vacation Book a vacation, but any way we can get some sunshine in they even have on Amazon, I should. I should literally work for Amazon. They have light therapy. It's super inexpensive. But even in like the winter months you could buy it's called a happy light. And that literally is your sunshine like it does. It does help like all of those juiciness, rays coming in your body, obviously want to make sure we use sunscreen. A really cool tip that I learned in improv class years ago, is right before you're about to do a Facebook Live and you don't have a lot of energy or right before you're about to do a sales call. Literally do 10 Jumping jacks, everyone can do well I shouldn't say everyone that's generalizing a lot of people can do jumping jacks if you if you are not like physically able to do jumping jacks, you can literally go like this if you can't do that we can figure out something else that you can do but something to create literally visually movement. So you can do jumping jacks in your chair you can do them literally like if you're able to stand up and do a full on jumping jack. It gets your heart rate up literally literally try this try this as you're watching or listening to this podcast episode you will have so much more energy going on that sales call going. When you're about to go on a Facebook Live it's it can do wonders so it will fade fast. But it'll like give you the energy jolt that you need to at least get like one to 2% more energy which is good. veggies are also obviously so important. It's not as easy to get veggies in for everyone but some of my hacks I love drinking veggies. So there's a juice place here in Columbus, Ohio that I love. I've actually been looking at a juicer, just because I, this is probably an ADHD thing, but I'm like, Oh, I could like make my own juice and like put, you know, like concoctions together and like I just when I can drink things like I drink my protein a lot, but it's just it's I'm so on the go that if I could drink my veggies, it would be awesome. But for now I do I do a juice place. There's even like, Mo Nate has like a scoop of veggies that you can hide in different things. So I do that to all all the veggies. I don't think personally, you can have too many veggies, because we don't get enough in our diet. So wherever we can hide veggies, the airfryer and do like some sea salt can be huge. We love green beans in our house like steaming them with like lemon juice, oh my gosh, they taste so good. Like I could literally eat those and pretend like they're fries. It's huge. So the next one is protein. As women we do not get enough protein in here is the coolest weight loss trick that most people will not tell you about. tracking all of your food is very, very time consuming and very stressful. When I like was crushing it before I got pregnant. I was just tracking my protein. And most of the times I was just eyeballing it because I feel like I could be like, Oh, chicken breast. Oh, my protein shake, I could see how I could get everything in. If you DM me protein calculator, I will send you a handy dandy protein calculator that you put your age in, you put your weight and your height and it'll tell you how much protein to get in in a day. If you just focus on protein and water, like obviously, we need other nutritional things. But protein and water with a little bit of like walking, you will be a whole different human and just under like a couple of weeks like you can still eat some french fries. I am not a nutritionist, I'm just telling you from experience, when I didn't stress the fuck out about tracking everything and working out 24/7 When I just allowed myself to live and focus on those couple of things huge. So water, water water, if we should get half of our body weight in ounces everyday in water. I'm working on that, right. So these are cool things that you can do that just like pick one, like pick one. Don't try to do all of these at the same time. Like I told you, I'm on sleep. I'm really like I'm not as worried about all of these other ones at this moment. But they're on my radar as we start ramping up post postpartum. Few other ones I mentioned meditations, you can meditate without an app you can meditate with like an guided meditation, whether it's like Insight Timer or something on YouTube. There's so many resources out there, meditation is the equivalent to four hours of sleep a 20 minute meditation is equivalent to four hours of sleep. Obviously still get sleep, but it can just do your mind wanders, especially if you have ADHD. I love and night meditation just in the season of life that I'm in it's like challenging to find time to do another thing. So as I'm like starting to like wind down, I put on the meditation, I get the best sleep ever try it out. Let me know how you like it. Obviously good people, good music, a good book, a cute outfit. These are just some of like Nellies favorites. But all of these things, it's so much more truly build you up and give you so much more energy, and also quality of life and most importantly confidence. You have a different swagger to you when you feel amazing. So I guarantee you the more you invest time and energy and resources in to investing in your energy will make a world of difference like truly a world of difference and you can start to reap the rewards as quickly as today. Don't stress yourself out. And just seriously have some freaking fun with it. Like make it a competition get some rewards like do this from a place of yes do this from a place of joy not a I have to I should this past weekend I was craving going for a run. So I grabbed the stroller and grabbed my sunglasses and literally just like went and it felt so good because it was a yes place. It was a full body. Yes, I wanted to do it. And when anytime in my life and in my business when I come from that space, magic happens. So tap into your intuition. We all have it. Whether you think you do or you don't you have intuition and ask yourself from this list. What feels good for you to focus on if there's something that is popping up that I didn't mention, still do that. That's your intuition. So please take this or run with If this if you need the protein calculator, just DM me on Facebook or Instagram, happy to give it to you. So you can start seeing how much how many grams of protein you need grams. So it's not to like freak you out, it's easy to figure out your grams. And I can help you with that too. I'm not a health coach. I'm just somebody that loves to help you get more energy so we can build your wealthiest life and I'm so excited for you. So if you loved this, please share it with the girlfriends so we have more energy to take over the world. Give us a five star review on the wake up and be wealthy show. And we have new episodes every single day of the week, the week day and I love you so much and I'll see you back tomorrow.