Money Making Mama Podcast

278. The Mindset Shifts Needed to Achieve Big Dreams

May 03, 2023 Nellie
Money Making Mama Podcast
278. The Mindset Shifts Needed to Achieve Big Dreams
Show Notes Transcript

Today's episode, we will chat about The Mindset Shifts Needed to Schieve Big Dreams!!! Such a juicy topic!!!
We will touch on:

  • The importance of having positive role models in your life. 
  • Why you should write all of your dreams down
  • Why you should dream big!
  • The three mindset shifts you need to make your life better!

Mindset is so important and definitely the first step in the foundation of a wealthy life and business.

Today's podcast is sponsored by Airielle Dotson with Core Legacy!

We hope you've enjoyed this episode, because you totally deserve it. We are hear cheering you on and hope to have you back tomorrow for another fresh and juicy episode! Don't forget to subscribe, follow and leave a five-star review wherever you are listening. Make it a great day!!


It's gonna be May. Goodness. It's May it's Mama May, welcome to the show. That is the shit show, by the way. So welcome, Happy May so glad that we are here together. And today on the show, we are talking about how to truly dream bigger, and therefore have the mindset shifts needed to dream bigger, and actually have them become a reality. Right. And here is what I want to say first. First, thank you to our amazing sponsor today. erielle. You are amazing, we love you. Ariel is the executive director and founder of core legacy. She also like literally helped me in the beginning phases of my business behind the scenes, truly like operations admin client services, when it was literally a teeny tiny thing. And she is a she serves in the military. So she went overseas for a while and served our country and it's just truly an amazing human. And I was so excited to see her name as first for the month of May. So we're doing fun sponsors for the whole month of May, if you're not aware, if you are one of them, cannot wait to have you as a sponsor. And if you don't already have a day and you want a day, let me know. But just super excited. This is our year anniversary of the podcast. I strategically launched it last May because of mothers. I'm blessed to know so many mothers support so many mothers be a mother myself. So we have literally so much goodness happening this month, like the vibe is going to be off the charts like off the charts if you need, you know, an energy jolt this month. Even if you're not a mom, you can totally get value from everything that I'm talking about. I obviously will be like talking specifically to moms. This type of content because I knew eventually I wanted to be a mother. And I just think it's like very, very inspiring to like see other badass women do really cool epic shit. So please don't feel like you are not included. If you do not fall into the mama category, you can absolutely get benefit from everything I'm talking about. And equally participate in everything that we have going on this month. So we have shows happening every single day, even the weekdays. This month, I told our team if you need help, like uploading things to the podcast, happy to help. I love rolling up my sleeves and helping our team. And it's just we have so many people that wanted to sponsor and I thought a lot to say so I'm happy to do you know, multiple shows multiple days and equally on the weekends. We've got a lot going on. And I'm really really equally just genuinely excited to provide value. We are going to be having a mama giveaway. You'll find out more about that later this week. tons of amazing prizes. Again, you do not have to be a mom to participate. So super excited about that in that we have our wealthy mama program launching on Friday, and it will be 90% off for the first two hours when I launch it early afternoon on Friday, and then it will go to 75% off and then 50% off. And then full price and it will start June 1. So you'll get to know like all the details of what the wealthy mama program is, it's the whole summer price etc. But like mark your calendar for Friday because you'll have a very small window to snag it for 90% off and if you're anything like me, like I love me a good deal. Okay, so enough announcements for today. Let's get into like the juiciness of today. So ironically enough, this is mama month and I was so excited for like a fresh start of the month. And like Boone my five month old almost five month old slept in his crib last night and did amazing like he still woke up a few times but like we actually got like way more solid uninterrupted sleep. And then my five year old that you can probably hear in the back, woke up and just like kept saying, oh my gosh, my ear hurts. My ear hurts my ear hurts. We tried so many different things was not working. I just knew that my whole day was gonna shift and like oddly enough I typically don't have things on Mondays, but I think I was really excited for like new month. New Me. I know what like the wealthy mama what we're about to launch so I was just like excited. So I normally don't have things on Mondays but I I think this Monday and so I had to shift them. But it comes with the territory. And I was like, this is just more reason why I'm launching this program because, I mean, I felt a lot of feelings when I had Emma. And still like, obviously do. But equally now being a mom have to feel it even more. And I just want to support moms on such a massive, massive level. That's our news. 30 theme song, Mama, ma, ma, are you singing so welcome to Life unfiltered, you'll be seeing that all this month. Because I think it's so important. So Amazon package if you're watching on live video, if you're watching or listening on the podcast, you won't be able to see me but Amazon package. And obviously we got she she just got back from the doctor. So we got our medicine and chicken nuggets. Baby Carrier, obviously, we're making some fun crafts so that you can see those on their trash from last night that has not been taken out. This is life. And I really want to show it because I think it's really important. And that was like strategically why I put my tripod here. So if you're listening on the actual podcast, feel free to hang out on social and see all the epicness that is my life. Because I think it's just so important to like, be raw, be real, be vulnerable. And it's just so perfect for what we're talking about today. So let's talk about dreaming bigger first, and then I'll really like a really what I want to support you with is like, Okay, now that we're dreaming bigger, how do we actually make that a reality, because there is some really key takeaways that I want you to hear. So first and foremost, if you grew up in a household that did not have parents that dreamed bigger meaning like they were talking big dreams, and equally, if they were not taking big action, it is a foreign concept to you that that's actually even one possible and equally safe, right? If you didn't have a role model or role models in your life, then it's gonna feel a little unsafe or a lot unsafe, and also not possible in your brain, because you don't have the evidence. Okay? So I just want you to like do a quick check in with yourself of like, did you have role models growing up that dreamed really big meeting, like they were speaking belief of like, I meaning like that role model model role model can do big things. And then equally, they were taking big action to back up that right, like walking the walk and also talking the talk. So they were doing both, and then it helped you believe the state, okay? If you didn't have at least one role model, it doesn't always have to be a parent. But obviously, the parent and parents or guardians are big. They're, they're a vital part in a child's life. Because that they like idolize that person. That's all that they know, right? And so, think about your parents or guardians first, then think about siblings, and then think about teachers, right? And then think about anyone else that you had connection to exposure to right. And it can also be from afar, but we do want to really look at like who, in your day to day life had a positive impact on you to dream bigger, and it's okay, if you're drawing a blank, I don't want you to feel bad. But equally, maybe there are a few people where you're like, oh my gosh, my teacher, my like coach and sporting events, or sports helped me dream bigger, or my sibling helped me dream bigger. Or maybe you were involved in extracurricular activities, and they helped you dream bigger, but we just really want to take an inventory of your past as early as you can remember, did you have positive role models to dream bigger, and they they actually walked the walk right? As children, right? Even young adults and adults, we don't normally learn by somebody talking. We learn by watching Right? Which is why all month long, I'm going to be modeling Hey, you can be a mama and build wealth and watch me do it but not just watch me do it. I want you to come with me like truly my teaching style is Yes, I will teach you strategy. But we implement all day long. And my goal is to always be a good example as much as I possibly can. And the reason for that is because I know that we learn so much more by modeling people osmosis, right like the more use Somebody's like reaching out for big, big goals and dreams. You want to reach up right? You are inspired, right? And sometimes you can't even put your finger on it. But when I explain it like that, like, it's so vital. And so I really want you to think about, oh, man, I equally on the opposite side, have people that are super negative, super toxic, draining, that impacts your big goals and dreams, your energy, right? So we just want to take an inventory of your past. And most importantly, right here and right now, do you have positive role models right here right now, because we can't change the past. I do want you to like, look at that. Because if we've never seen that before, we're going to have to do a little bit more mindset work and energy work to get your brain on board that that's possible, to dream big, and also that it's safe to dream, but most importantly, that it's safe. Because if you've never seen it modeled, right, then when a coach like me comes in, and like oh my gosh, girl, let's go for like a million dollars. You're gonna be like, yeah, no, I'm out. Right? You may like on the surface be like we Yeah, let's do it right. But inside, you're dying, right? Like, you're like, oh, my gosh, you're freaking out. Because we've never seen that model before. We've never seen it done before or anything like that doesn't have to be just money. This goes for health and fitness. This goes for healthy relationships. This goes for big goals and dreams, whether they're related to money or not. And so I just do want you to take an inventory of your path. And then most importantly, take an inventory of your current reality right now. Are we surrounding ourselves with a nuff people that are reaching up big that are walking the walk? Right? And a lot of times we're waiting for somebody else to do it. Instead of you being the one you being the catalyst, right? So I want you to also think about like, Am I walking the walk right? Like, you know your potential. And so we want to like just take a step back and look at your surroundings and look inward of like, Am I in the right? Container, right? Like the right playground, if you will to be playing right? And experimenting and going for big goals and dreams and on a safe playground, that everyone is playing nicely. Everyone's encouraging each other. It makes a massive difference. Who wants to be on the playground alone? Like, yeah, you could probably like do it. But like if you had to pick to be on the playground, by yourself, or a playground with really mean bullies are last but not least, a playground was super fun, energetic, high by positive people. I'm gonna pick the last one all day every day. Like that's the playground I want to be on, right? So before we even talk about, like, how to create the mindset, mind set shifts needed to go for big goals and dreams. We just got to take it like a step back without a pause. Like, I know, it's cliche to say like, we've got to slow down to speed up, but it truly does make a difference. Okay, so there's three mindset shifts after you do this inventory check in, but I really deeply need you to work on, you may need to work on all three. Okay? If you if like as I'm going through them, you're like, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, okay, like, I feel like she's calling me out. I want you to go in the order that I'm talking about them. Okay, so if it's all if you've checked the box for all three about what, uh, what I'm about to share with you, then I want you to master one by one by one. Now, if you feel like you've mastered the first one, and then like two and three, you're like, oh, there's definitely some room for improvement. We're all human. We all get to grow, right? We all get to improve. So to say that everyone has all three of these boxes, like crossed out their complete is just not like, that's not true for anyone, in my opinion, like, the super successful people are always like dreaming bigger, they're always looking for the patterns, the gaps, right? The opportunities, the growth, the expansion, all the things because that's truly like how they're programmed. Right? And they know like, it's, it's so much fun to keep dreaming bigger and bigger and bigger. So, okay, so before I say all three of these. Here's a really fun exercise that I gave my inner circle last week, okay? And it is this. I want you to write down all of your goals, all of your dreams, personally, professionally, big and small. Whatever you can think about, okay, and I want you to put them on a piece of paper as if this is Magic paper. Okay, that meaning like me Everything that you write down is just kind of like poof, like, up here, right? Like if you wanted like a dream car and like, as soon as you write it down on your paper, it's like, boom, here's the dream car, right? Dream House, boom, here's the dream house. Are you my she's my sound effects in the back? Should we do another boom? Yeah. So, and here's the cool part. And you'll, you'll want to do this over a few days. This is great, leading up to our launch on Friday. Okay. So you're writing all your big goals, dreams down even small ones, right? Every place you want to travel, your house, the cars that you want to drive, what you want to feel like anything, anything, there's nothing off of law off limits, there's no wrong way to do this exercise. Okay. So you're gonna do this on a piece of paper. And I really do want it to be a piece of paper, this is a great activity to enroll your kids and your significant other and everyone as you because like, we're going like, we're in this together. Like, the more you can enroll the coolest people on your rocket ship, the better, right? Like, who's coming with me, right? Like, we're gonna be going on this adventure together. Like we get to enroll those people like this is sales skills. 101. Hold on one second, please. Okay, where you get to take your medicine before we go shopping. That was the rule. She keeps telling me she's taking her medicine and she is not telling the truth. So anyways, so we're doing this on magic paper, I want you to do this at least three times. So you do it once. And you come back again. And you say, Okay, let me dream even bigger. Okay. And then you come back again. And like, truly, I want this to be over like a few days. Because as you leave that piece of paper, your brain, your subconscious mind is gonna, like start going to work, right? Like, it's going to start thinking of more things, it's going to start visualizing the car, visualizing the house, creating the feelings, your brain doesn't know that it's not true, right? Like that. And what I mean by that is like it doesn't, your brain doesn't know that it's not your current reality, right? It just knows what you tell it. So if it's like, oh, my gosh, I have the car, or I have the house, or I have the Disney trip already booked for my family, right? Like, that's all your brain knows. So this can just be so powerful when you do it over a few days. Because we're gonna keep going deeper, we're gonna keep dreaming bigger. And so when you do this three times, you're gonna have so many downloads that like it's going to feel like a firework show, like the vibe that you create by doing this exercise is. It's bananas, it is wild. And I don't think any of us, myself included dream big enough, because we've been in a world that says, as women, it's not safe to dream big, right? Like it wasn't too long ago that a woman couldn't have a mortgage, that she couldn't like, open up a credit card that she couldn't even speak for her own self, right, like, so as a society. Even if you've had great role models, as a society, we've been told, you don't have control over your your body, right? Like it's not your body, it's not your decision, right? Like, we got to get a little political here, just a teeny bit. We've been told that like, our money is not safe, right? Meaning like, you need a man to, you know, be able to sign for a mortgage, not now, but obviously before. And so that gets passed down from generation to generation, even if you don't believe that or feel that it's deep, rooted in us. Equally, like women of color have deep rooted trauma that we get to work through, right. So there's so much there underneath the surface, just as if like an iceberg. And so, I want this exercise to feel so fun and so safe, knowing like I just saw somebody yesterday, it's like there are no accidents. She's been in our programs before Cory Messer, and she said on social trauma obviously can be passed from generation to generation, but so can healing. And that was just like so beautiful to me. Because even if you didn't have positive role models in your life, to dream big back and change for the next generation because of you, right? And so I don't think it's an accident that you're watching this, this training right now or listening to it on the podcast. And so I just am so excited for you to do this exercise. And I honestly welcome your feedback. We'd love to hear like what it does for you how it blesses your life who you enroll in doing this like you're more than welcome to like, honestly make it your own. Always but equally you can do it yourself and then enroll other like people like your significant other in kids. Yes, honey. Yes, baby. Give me one second. Okay, I'm almost done. Can I have five minutes Okay, five minutes anelli time mommy time. Okay. Um, so I just wanted to add that in because this exercise is gonna bless your life in so many ways when you do it, so Pinky promise that you're going to do it. And let's get to the three mindset shifts now. Okay. So the first is the belief that you can dream really, really big, like deep belief. Now, we'll always have fear, like all of us will always have fear. But do you believe that you deserve and are capable of big goals and dreams? Right? Just the minute that I asked that question, whatever side that you swung to yes or no. If you're a maybe then you're no in my opinion, for this exercise. If it's like a wholehearted Hell, yes. Then you can check that box, right? Like you believe you believe you believe. Okay? If it's a maybe or no, then we know we can start there and do some work. Okay. And this can go a lot faster than you think. Okay, so no one has to know your answers. But you this second one, for all of your big goals and dreams with exercise that you do. Hold on a second, honey. Okay. Thank you, thank you. Okay. The second mindset shift needed is that you have the time that you need to make it happen, right? To take the actions. Now, it doesn't mean that you have to literally like, do 100 things today, but you have enough time, okay, that are equally that you can create the time that you can be resourceful. You can buy your time, right? You know, it doesn't always have to be your time. Okay? But you believe that you can create the time or have the time, okay, to go for your big goals and dreams. Okay, this one is key. Because if you keep telling yourself the negative story all day every day, I don't have enough time. I don't have enough time. I don't have enough time, you will believe that. Right? And the longer you stay in that narrative, you will keep believing it. Okay? So yes or no? Do you swing to the Yes, I believe I have time I can create the time I can bide my time, right? To go for my big goals and dreams on a in a pace that feels good to you. Some people want to go super fast. Some people are like, okay, I'm good with like, cruising, you know, the pace that you desire, okay. You do not have to do this in a hustle culture way. And the third is that you believe you have the money, you have the resources and or you can create the resources needed to build your wealthiest life, right? To build your empire to build everything that you put on that magic piece of paper, one by one by one again, you did you decide your pace, but you truly believe you either have the money, you can access capital and or you can create the resources needed. Okay? To make your wealthiest life happen, okay? Because all three of these, when you master them, doesn't mean you're perfect. But when you master them, man, oh, man, does it get juicy. And I'm talking like a juicy, juicy juicy when you finally believe that you are worthy and capable and you deserve big goals and dreams, right? Then you go on to the next one, I have the time I create the time, I will buy my time I will figure out a way, right. And equally. The last is I had the money, I will create the money. I'll access capital, whatever it takes to make this happen. Okay, here's the coolest part about your big goals and dreams. Typically, when you go all in with one thing on your list, and you go all in with that for 90 days, six months, a year, two years, three years. Time is up to you, right and truly like time's up to the universe because things can happen so fast, right? When there's focus, right? When we're not doing it alone, when we work on all three of these categories, these three mindset shifts, but it can happen so fast in retrospect, like when you look back, it may have felt slow in the moment, right. I have a big announcement on Friday of just like our milestone that we that I finally feel ready to celebrate. You'll find out more of that later. But when I like look back, I'm like holy smokes like we achieved this huge milestone, actually in a very short amount. Got a time mind you birthing two babies during the process of this milestone, equally got an ADHD diagnosis had some family challenges that we choose to keep private, we had a global pandemic in there, right? Did I say very little childcare had a very, very small team for most of it until like about a year or so ago, gone through like staffing changes as well, that's a normal business owner thing. Like I could go on and on with every curveball every challenge everything that's been phased in my way, placed in my way. And still, it five years actually seems like a small amount of time now, in these five years, it felt slow at times, it felt painful. At times, I wanted to give up right? Like, at times, I needed to go back to number one of like, do I believe this right? Like you at you will go through all three of these mindset shifts a million times, right. That's why I said like, we're never done working on these. But I wanted to give you some clarity on like, which categories which mindset shifts are needed, that when we can do them, and you can harness them. Like this morning, I had every mindset block thrown at me because I had you know, it's, it's the fresh month, we have like a fun launch happening. We just closed one launch, we're going into another one, I have my to do list ready. And then like, Emma is like my ear, my ear, my ear, I had to cancel my whole day and shift. And so I felt like a giant failure. Like I was like, Oh my gosh, but then I was shipping and doing it in real time. I'll start recording myself doing this because it's quite hilarious. I, I had to I should invoice myself because I'm like coaching and hyping up myself. But it just reminded me of why I'm so passionate about the launch that we're about to do geared towards mothers, right that have a business and or that want to build wealth. You don't have to have a business to go into this program. And so I went from feeling like a failure to like, oh my gosh, this is the reason this is the exact reason why. Because there is no way I could work for somebody else and be the mother that I want to be. Which is exactly why about six years ago, I started to make shifts, so we could fast track our wealthiest life. So it's just these three mindset shifts are so freakin powerful. And when you can harness them, even when you get thrown curveballs, you can go back to them. And you know exactly what you need to do that you can shift within a matter of minutes. If not, you know a few hours, and it not derail you. Okay? So I'm super excited for you. And it's just going to be an amazing, amazing month. So make sure you're coming back because friends like these podcast episodes are like fire. We have so many like giveaways because I just want to say thank you for being on this journey. You don't have to be in any of our programs to participate in the giveaway. There literally is no strings attached. Obviously, yes, I would love you in our programs. I just mean that can support you on a deeper level get to know you more on the deeper level. And you can play on our playground, you can dream bigger, and be among some badass women that I get to call clients. But most importantly, friends. So super excited for you. You've got a lot to take in from this episode. Thank you again erielle For not only sponsoring today's podcast, but most importantly, being a part of just this beautiful journey that we've been creating. Everyone has made this what it is, this is not this is not a self made goal by any stretch of the imagination. It has been truly a team. Some still with us some salt, some not. And that's okay. Like, that's totally okay. So, more on that later. I love you. I don't know why I just did it awkward spin that I felt called spin. I'll take a bow I suppose. But I'm gonna go back to being mom. But I love you. Let me know how you love the dream exercise. Again, before I go, the three mindset shifts needed are the belief and that you are capable of this, that you are worthy of this. Every other belief under the sun, but like the belief is the biggest one. Number two that you've got the time you can create the time or buy your time for your big goals and dreams. And number three, you have the money you can create the money or source the money to make your big goals and dreams happen. And like I said, typically there's one goal, one dream on your list that can actually create a massive domino effect. When you focus on it for 90 days, six months, a year, a couple of years. It's actually going to create everything that you desire on your list, and it doesn't feel so overwhelming. So more on that later. All right, make it a great day.