Money Making Mama Podcast

272. Some of the Biggest Time Wasters

April 25, 2023 Nellie
Money Making Mama Podcast
272. Some of the Biggest Time Wasters
Show Notes Transcript

On this episode of the Wake Up & Be Wealthy show, Nellie talks about some of the biggest time wasters!

We will touch on:

  • Biggest time wasters and it may not be what you think.
  • What is a time waster?
  • When we let the thoughts and feelings run the show, it’s just going to keep feeding it.
  • How much time are you spending? How much energy are you wasting?
  • Acknowledging your emotions is easier said than done.
  • The CEO is the heart and soul of the vision.
  • The more we can recognize your patterns, the more it’s going to become your new operating system.
  • Overthinking and anxiety are sucking up so much of your time, energy, and energy.

We hope you've enjoyed this episode, because you totally deserve it. We are hear cheering you on and hope to have you back tomorrow for another fresh and juicy episode! Don't forget to subscribe, follow and leave a five-star review wherever you are listening. Make it a great day!!


This is gonna be the fastest live video that I've probably done because I really want to put on my makeup. I really want to talk to you. I really get to wake up my kids and get them out the door. We can do a lot and a little bit of time as women, especially my mom's so I got some new makeup. So I wanted to talk to you about time wasters. Show off some fun makeup that I got. Makeup is literally like my therapy. I love it so much. I've always loved it as a little kid. I used to always play dress up like it's just a part of my soul. And yeah, so target is one of my favorite places to get makeup. This is a fairy dust. This is from lush, it has sparkles in it, and it smells amazing. When we were in Vegas, for one of our retreats, I got so many of the ladies to get it. I'm very good at sales I like went in first and then came out and showed them right this is such a good like sales lesson. And I was like you guys, this is amazing. It smells so good. Smell it right you can see the glitter coming up. And it has glitter and birds of a feather flock together. They also love glitter. They all walked their asses and and went and bought the fairy dust at lush, you will not be upset. It smells so good. They have it in Bath balm. They have it in like a lip balm. I bought it all. When I find something that I love. I buy it all. So we are going to make sure we're checking the time. I might need a timekeeper here, as I'm like talking to you and putting on my makeup and doing all the things, all the things. Okay, so I want to talk about the biggest time wasters and it's not what you think it may not be what you think. So I hear so often from so many women. I just scroll social media so much like I need to stop doing that. Well, here's the thing. You want to be social, right? Like as a woman, especially right now, we are craving community. So although there are May, there may be better uses of your time than just like Doom scrolling, you're doing that for one of two things. You're craving an outlet to like detach and like unplug. And equally you're probably craving community. So we just get to harness that more and maximize it more. So I actually really enjoy going through stories going through reels going through post because I get to connect with my friends, I get to connect with my clients, I get to connect with people that are so future soulmate clients, I get to connect with peers, I get to connect with all these people. So like, you know, I think just changing that conversation in your head of like, it's it's not a bad thing. We just get to harness it, and stop talking about how we need to stop doing it. Because you're you're doing it for a reason you're craving something from it. And now let's just harness it. So that's actually not what is a time waster. So that's probably what you may have thought I was going to say. Where's my other makeup? I don't know where it is. Shoot. Is it downstairs? You're getting you're getting real life, Nelly. I have certain makeup that's in a go bag and certain makeup up here. So it's just throwing me off a little bit. But that's okay. We can keep moving. Anyways, so I can only start my makeup here if I don't have everything that I want or need. So what is the time wasters that I wanted to talk to you about so the time wasters? Is our overthinking worrying, right? Stress, right? unnecessary stress, right stress is going to happen in the season of life that you're in. It's just no matter what season you're in, there's going to be stress. It's a part of life, but we want to manage that stress, right? We want to manage the you know, worrying and analyzing and overthinking and all of those things. Okay, so with that being said, I am also complaining complaining is a big one for human. Okay, I'm not shaming you for having these thoughts and feelings. Oh, hey, em. I have a kid that does not have underwear on. Okay, we're gonna make this real fast. Okay, don't go on this camera real quick. Okay. So what I want you to pay attention today is how often Hey, stay over here. How often? You need a charger. You need my charger. Okay, hold on. Can you stay right there for just a second so I can finish my thought. Okay, so today, I want you to pay attention. Okay. I want you to pay attention to how much you're overthinking how much you're stressing how much you are You're complaining, anything, any thought or feeling that is not serving you, okay? Because when we just let the thoughts and feelings run the show, you know, Misery loves company, and it's just gonna keep feeding it and feeding it and feeding it. This also like goes for like who you're surrounding yourself with, if you're surrounding yourself with people that are complainers, if you're surrounding yourself with people that are over thinkers, people that play small, etc, etc. I got this, like loose powder, I'm excited to try it. Anyways, you start to become a byproduct of who you surround yourself with. And equally This goes for who you surround yourself with online. So if you surround yourself with like upbeat positive people online, like I love going on my social media, because I am like, my feet is filled with badass women filled with them. So it honestly inspires me every single day to to keep leveling up, right? Because I want I want to grow with people that I'm connected with. Even if I don't know them, well, I still get value from their energy, right? And their their goals and their dreams. And so the emotional support is huge. Okay. So these are just a few things that I want you to think about. I haven't done loose powder in a minute. So I'm excited to try it out. So just a few things I want you to think about, like how much time are you spending, honestly, you could probably scale your business and the amount of time and energy because it's not always the time. It's also the energy that you're spending. But you could spend that time building your business, learning a new hobby, right? Spending time with loved ones, we will never, ever have enough time for everything. But we can create the time for the most important things and people in our life. And let everything else be put on pause right, or delayed or deleted. Like you can decide what that looks like for you. But just a few things that I really want you to take a little bit of time to think about. I know that's a little bit of a oxymoron, like hey, take some time to think about how much you're overthinking how much you are complaining how much you're doing this, that the other. I've even caught myself catching myself because like we're just in a really tough season right now. With obviously a five year old and then also a four month old. And we're in the four month sleep regression. I forgot mom's I forgot how hard this is. But I can do her things. But I'm just honoring that and acknowledging my emotions, but not letting them consume me. And sometimes it's easier said than done. Okay, so I'm also acknowledging that I got this like fat oil, lipo oil, it's like the latest crazy like thing. And I've been really excited to use it, because it's just like juicy lip gloss basically, is how I'm describing it. But I've been catching myself because I'm like, oh, you know, getting interrupted again for the 20th time, right? But that thought, and that feeling isn't going to serve me. So it's like acknowledging it, because we don't want to shove it down. So it's like acknowledging it. But then jumping over it is kind of how I want you to just like to visualize it, like, oh, high anxiety, high complaining, high overthinking, I see you, and I'm gonna leapfrog over you and take my power back and decide how I want to spend the rest of my day. So like, anytime you have, you know, just a moment of challenge. Give yourself a moment to like, let yourself feel it. But then we can move on. Right. And that's like, the biggest thing that I want for you is like don't spend, you know, hours and weeks and sometimes even months overthinking, you know taking forever to decide on something like I love giving myself deadlines on like things that I'm going to invest in or not invest in, it's like, Okay, I'm gonna give myself you know, a few days I can make a I can make a wise decision and a few days, right. It is my policy, especially with ADHD, one of the symptoms is impulsive decisions. So I give myself at least 24 hours for big decisions. And it has saved my ass a few times. Because like, I want to do all the things but I can't do all the things right now. No one can literally no one. Even if you have all the staff in the world. They're still you as the CEO to help monitor things right to help make things grow like even sharks on Shark Tank get to be involved in their companies, because they're they're the heart In the soul of the vision, right? And so you can have the best team in the world. But you still want to be mindful of what everyone's priorities are. So we can get to the result that you're you're desiring, okay? So no matter where you're at, in business or life, just keep all of that in mind, so we can get you to where you want to go. Okay, I get to go get babies ready. Okay. But I love you. I think you're the most amazing human in the whole world. If no one has told you today, as I like, fix my eyebrow, I'm gonna have to fix that, aren't I? That looks a little, that looks a little dark. We'll fix that. Don't you worry. I won't go on public like that. Well, I'll probably go to school drop off, but then I'll fix it. Knowing me. So I just want you to think about these things for a little bit. And really just recognize your patterns. Because every human has patterns, okay. And there's patterns that are serving us. And there's patterns that are not serving us. And when we can really recognize and acknowledge Oh, that's a pattern that I keep having, you know, we can make all the excuses in the world. But even with excuses, it doesn't change it right. So let's recognize the pattern. Let's move forward and adjust the pattern, right? Almost. Oh, I like this lip gloss. Oh, gosh, that is amazing. Sorry. Sorry, not sorry. This is essence extreme shine volume. It was like $4. And this is like it's called extra like juicy lip gloss or something. And it is it is juicy. I also I'm digging that. Target, Target, Target target. I tell you, I wanted to do lashes, but I may, I may not have the time to do them. I want to make sure I can get my kids out on time. And I can always finish my makeup later. Anyways, okay, just a few things to think about. Okay, the more we can recognize your patterns, the more we can rewrite the prep patterns that aren't serving you one by one by one. It's going to become your new operating system just as much as like the iPhone has updates, right? It could just be time for an update, right? So in this season of life that I'm in, I was recognizing patterns that just didn't feel good to me. And so I started to make some changes, right. So like, for example, doing nights and weekends, like I love to hang out with people truly like I always think that I'm an introvert. But I really do love people. It's a both and for me, like I love people, but then I need time to recharge. So I'm a both and. But in this season of life, that's my only family time, and I crave it and the days that I skip it like I do something else, right? Like I go out to dinner or anything like that. I feel off like it almost takes me more time to recalibrate. And so I've just honored like, okay, the season of life I'm in if that's what I'm craving, freakin give it to myself, right? Like, if that's what I'm craving, and my family craves it, like they just, they want to be around me. I'm pretty cool, I guess. It's hard to talk when you're doing eyeliner, but so I just really want you to think about these things because I don't think these things are talked about enough. And they truly, truly, truly, truly are sucking up so much of your time and more importantly, so much of your energy, right? They are just a mo Jo sucker. Like, they take all the Mojo out of you when you just keep over analyzing, overthinking and stalling and stalling and stalling and there's a reason why those things are happening. So when we can like just stop and like acknowledge them and do some of that inner work to like say like I'm just I am done overthinking I am done. over analyzing worrying about judgment of other people of you know, what people are gonna think and feel and all the things like just when the more you can just let that shit go and just show up authentically yourself imperfectly. It just changes everything literally everything and it takes time. It definitely takes time. But the more you do it you're going to crave to do it more. Okay, so the easiest way to start this is just a really like pay attention to your thoughts and actions and feelings today and just see like oh, they're there I am complaining and you can even give eat like all the different facets of you. You can give like different names like oh there there's Negative Nelly coming out right she's thinking of every worst case scenario. Hey, Negative Nelly What's up like I see you and sometimes when we can just kind of like poke a little bit of fun On Anna it can really like detach you from it and then we can work through it because it doesn't feel like so like, it doesn't feel like a personal attack. And it more so feels like oh, okay, that's just an old identity of mine. That probably came from programming and conditioning, and it's just not serving me. And let's change it. Okay. All right, I really get to go now. I love you. You're amazing. Let's keep talking about this.