Money Making Mama Podcast

108. How To Shift Your Money Mindset Day 2

October 04, 2022 Nellie
Money Making Mama Podcast
108. How To Shift Your Money Mindset Day 2
Show Notes Transcript

On this episode of the Wake Up & Be Wealthy show, Nellie is talking about How to Shift Your Money Mindset - Day 2

We will touch on:

  • Everything that weighs you down.
  • The first part is to address limiting beliefs.
  • Get the details and tasks down on the piece of paper and figure out your game plan.
  • What motivates you to keep growing your business?
  • We are the problem, but we are also the solution.

We hope you've enjoyed this episode, because you totally deserve it. We are hear cheering you on and hope to have you back tomorrow for another fresh and juicy episode! Don't forget to subscribe, follow and leave a five-star review wherever you are listening. Make it a great day!!


welcome back today to I am so excited for you today. The theme for today is everything that weighs you down, do you find yourself thinking about all the clutter in your house, all the emails in your inbox, all the things on your To Do lists, these things take up so much mental equity and our brain that can you imagine, when they are all gone? How you would feel, I really think this is a prereq, to growing your business to leaning more into sales, it's very, very hard to feel confident to feel creative to want to get out of your comfort zone when you have all of this weight on your shoulders. Right. So day two is so fitting and designed to help you get the nagging tasks out of your way, eliminate everything weighing you down, it's time and it's going to be a little tough at first, right, we're going to have to exude a lot of energy and focus. And there's going to be distractions that you want to lean into. But you're going to continue to feel this pain if we don't address it. So day two is so fitting. So grab your workbook, and we're going to go through everything weighing you down. So the first part is I want you to think about what are the thoughts or words that are weighing you down? So what are the limiting beliefs? What is the negative self talk, I call that your mean? Girl? So really think about all those words, phrases, thoughts, ideas that you have. So perhaps this is hard with kids, right? I'm tired, I'm stressed why me? Who's going to want to buy for me? Am I qualified? Right? The imposter syndrome. So all of those thoughts. Everyone has them, I want you to get them on paper a lot like our money stories. And I want you to get them on paper as many as you can. Okay, then you're going to start to think about what are the things that are weighing you down? Is there clutter in your house? Is there goodwill items that need to be taken? Are there things that you need to sell. So what are all the things or rooms that you have that you really, really need to get organized, declutter and get everything just feeling so amazing in your household. It could also be your car, it can be digital. So think about all of those things. Now, I want you to think about the tasks that are weighing you down. So what I have my clients do is literally brainstorm every nagging task. Now, nagging tasks can also be good things, right? It can be things that you've been wanting to do and just haven't. So I don't want you to have a negative connotation to nagging. It just means it's something that you've been wanting to do. And for whatever reason you haven't yet, okay, so just think about all of those things and write them all down, you may need a little bit more space. So feel free to write on the back of your paper, whatever you need to do get them all on paper, you can also separate them out if you want to do personal like a list for personal and a list for professional. So do whatever feels good to you. But the goal is to get the tasks out there, I then want you to think about what habits are weighing you down. So are you staying up too late? Are you exuding a lot of screen time. So think about these habits that aren't serving and supporting you at the highest level and get those on paper. And then last but not least, are the people weighing you down. Now sometimes if it's a significant other, or maybe a family member, it's a little bit more challenging to distance yourself. But let's address who those people are, if you have any, and get those details on the piece of paper, and then we can figure out from there, what your game plan is. My favorite thing that I've been taught is, so if you feel that like oh, this person is weighing me down, it's not it's not helpful. It's negative, right? But I can't really just completely cut all ties for whatever reason, we can love from afar, right? We can protect your energy. So I do want you to know that. So get those all on paper. And then you're going to start to think about what motivates you to keep growing your business. But before you do that, you have a fun challenge. So I want you to circle one thing from each category. So the categories that you just answered, right, all of those questions, I want you to circle one from each category. And I'm going to challenge you today to get that thing or complete that item or work on that habit today, right? We can have a lot of forward motion and one day it doesn't mean you have to be perfect. It doesn't mean you have to get 100% but we can do 20% Right we could do 50% 75% So I think a lot of times people have this all or nothing mindset, but really we want to just have let's do something mindset right. Let's just see what we can do. So circle one thing And if you want to do more awesome, but my goal for you is that we start that that momentum, right, a body in motion stays in motion. So once you do that, we'll go back to what motivates you. So what motivates you to keep growing your business? I really want you to think about that. Is it money? Is it success? Is it something? Is it because it's something of your own? Is it impact? Is it legacy is it you want certain things in life and you need them to grow a business, right? So nothing is off limits? Nothing is selfish. So I want you to get all of that on paper. And then I want you to think about what do you truly need to be your best self? So if you were to prescribe yourself like the perfect scenario, what do you need to be yourself best self sleep, water, working out the people around you having therapy, having a coach, like, think of all of these things, right? I don't want you to worry about the money piece. But what do you need to be your best self, right, like a house cleaner, or a virtual assistant, or somebody to do your dry cleaning, like all of those little things that nag at you, could someone else do them for you to be your best self. So I want you to think of everything. It can be things that you're already doing and things that you want to be doing, but get them on this list. Because this is essentially your prescription for being your best self. And what I always love to realize is when we feel like we're in a funk, or when we feel like things are off, or we're exhausted, it's most likely because we're not doing enough of the things on this list. So I'm hoping that you can go back to this list and refer back to it and be like, Oh, okay, I need to do these three things. And I'm going to feel so much better. I love thinking that we typically are the problem, right? When we take full responsibility, we are the problem. But the beauty of that is we're also the solution. So when you have 100% power, you can change things right? You can shift, see what I did there. So with that being said, you can pick some things to feel so much better, rather than staying in a victim mindset and staying frustrated. So get as many of those down that you can, and then we're already on our checklist for the day. So go through everything. Make sure you've checked things off and eliminated things from that weighing you down categories. And I will check back in with you tomorrow for your next lesson. Alright, have a amazing day. You get to create it because you're 100% responsible right now